wHAT happens during a massage appointment?

Please arrive 5-10 minutes before the start of your appointment. On your first visit I will ask you to fill in an intake form that goes over your personal details, your health information and the intentions or goals you would like to focus on during your session. We will talk about what you can expect during your session and I ask for your consent before we start. I then leave the room while you undress and we begin. You are most welcome to ask questions at any time before, during or after your session - your comfort is most important to me! For subsequent appointments we will discuss any changes since your previous massage and expand upon your wellness goals.

what happens during an integrative pelvic health® session?

An Integrative Pelvic Health Session® is a deeply embodied and feminine experience that awakens hidden structures in your pelvic cradle so you can discover the profound intuition, bliss and creative force that resides here. Together we will open new doorways of feeling and sensory perception to help you re-weave your life from within. Before your first session you’ll be invited to complete an in-depth intake questionnaire to support you to delve deeply and express what you are seeking support with. During your session, we’ll chat about what your intentions for the session are, before I guide you through anatomy-based pelvic practices to help you connect with your body in a new way, offering healing, support, and activation.

You’ll also be guided through a dream journey, a shamanic style meditation so that you can deepen into the spiritual and emotional aspects of what you are exploring. Following each practice and dream journey there will be integration time comprising journaling, reflecting and sharing before your session ends. Any future sessions will expand on your first session, and we will explore areas that we feel are most supportive to you at that time. Integrative Pelvic Health® sessions are about you becoming the protagonist of an exciting new story as you embody, feel and awaken the deepest parts of yourself.


Allow time to arrive 5-10 mins early - this means you can start to relax before we begin and we can start on time. Eating a light meal no closer than about one hour before your appointment is ideal. Make sure you are adequately hydrated both before and after your session. Avoiding caffiene before your massage is also recommended. If possible, allowing plenty of time after your appointment for rest and integration is ideal.

do i have get undressed?

No, you don’t have to. Integrative Pelvic Health® sessions are faciliated completely clothed without touch, so wear something comfortable to sit/stand & lay down in. KaHuna Massage uses warm coconut oil and long, flowing strokes from head to toe - you will be invited to remove all clothing or you may leave underwear on if you prefer. Therapeutic massage can be performed either undressed or clothed - with oil or without. In all massages sarongs/towels are used to drape the body so areas of the body not being worked on remain covered. Please let me know your preferences during intake so you can remain comfortable throughout your massage.

I’m pregnant, are you able to massage me?

Yes, I have certified in Pregnancy Massage and am able to support women at any stage of pregnancy. There may be individual circumstances that contraindicate massage during pregnancy - please check with myself &/or your health care provider if this applies to you.

how will i feel after my massage?

The answer to this is varied depending on your own experience. Some people feel deeply relaxed and grounded, while others might feel emotional or more energised. Some leave feeling lighter and more joyful. Other clients say they feel like they’ve meditated, which might be experienced as a surge in creativity or finding solutions to problems that have been bothering them. And some times, its a mixture of all of this and more! I always remind people to allow time to be with whatever arises after your session as you integrate your experience.

what is your cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment allowing a minimum of 24 hours notice is most appreciated. Cancellations or rescheduling within 12hrs of allocated appointment will incur a $100 fee. No show appointments will incur the full session fee of appointment. Exceptions to these terms may be made for extenguating circumstances at the discretion of management.